Daily Routines and Homework
Homework comprises of the following:
Reading - Accelerated Reading
At St Antony's, we are passionate about reading and want to share that passion with all of our children. We have therefore started a new reading scheme - Accelerated Reader. Each child in Year 5 will complete an initial test to identify which Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) they are on. This will then verify which levels of books they should be reading. When they have completed their books, they are to complete an online quiz (in school only) which will show how much they have comprehended from their books. They will resit an Accelerated Reader test 3 times a year to keep up to date with their ZPD's and reading progress. This amazing programme also provides bespoke targets and appropriate interventions for each child to be challenged further.
Times Tables
It is important that all children are practising their multiplications regularly. We complete a multiplications challenge every Friday where the children are given 10 minutes to complete as many sums as they can!! Try to practise your times tables as often as you can and regularly log into Times Table Rock Stars.
Spellings - Read, Write, Inc.
Children will receive a list of spellings to learn at the end of each week. Children are to practise these spellings ready for the spelling test which will take place the following Monday! All spellings will be based on our Read, Write, Inc Spelling Scheme.
LBQ's Quiz Night - Monday!
Every Monday, a Learning By Questions will be set for the children to complete. The focus of the LBQ will be different each week, focussing in on something we have covered in previous weeks! Children who complete an LBQ will get 1 DOJO, children who get 100% on their LBQ will also receive 5 raffle tickets!!
Topic Homework Grids
Topic homework grids can be found by clicking on the termly pages. Topic homework is to be completed in their own time and handed in prior to the end of each term! DOJO's and raffle tickets will be rewarded for completion of activities and any work handed in will be proudly displayed in class!