Nursery Class 2024-25
Give your child the best start before coming to school.
We offer the most nurturing, caring and Catholic environment for your family.
Nursery class teachers are Ms Wildy and Miss Mubarakali. Mrs Carrington will also be supporting us on a Thursday morning.
Our nursery morning begins with a very warm welcome from Ms Wildy, Miss Mubarakali and Mrs Carrington. We believe that teaching is a work of heart and endeavour to provide a happy, safe and caring environment for all children to develop. We believe is that ensuring that children that feel safe, happy and loved gives them the best start. We nurture every child and offer a beautiful setting with child centred learning activities that engage help them to enjoy their Faith and Learning Journey.
Theme-Me and My Community
R.E.-we are learning why we are precious.
Reading-we are learning about friendships and what a friend is. We are learning about animals through stories.
Communication and Language-we are learning to listen to others in small groups or when playing alongside and with our friends.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)-we are learning what different emotions look like and are learning to understand our own feelings and the feelings of others.
Physical Development-we are taking part in Fundamental skills and are learning to balance, hop, jump, run fast, run slow, tip toe and follow stop and go instructions.
Understanding The World (UTW)-we are learning that we belong to a community. We are learning that people are all different, unique and special. We are learning about changes in seasons and are observing how the leaves fall off the trees.
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)-we are learning to sing along to Nursery Rhymes, create action and use our voices. We are learning about colours and exploring different media to create our own artwork.
Maths-we are learning to count unto 3 objects and represent numbers using pictorial representation. We are learning to use language on, under, next to that describes the position of an object.
R.E. Outdoor prayer time and our Prayer Bear
Our wonderful Chaplains delivered our "Prayer Bear". We love to take Prayer Bear home and share a prayer at home.
Physical Development
Mathematical Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Knowledge and Understanding of the World