Spring Term Topics:
Talk For Writing: Fear Story (Suspense) / Discussion
Maths: Place Value / Addition and Subtraction / Measurement / Multiplication and Division
R.E: Created and Loved by God
Science: Living Things and their Habitats / Electricity
History: The Romans
Geography: Where Does Our Energy Come From?
Art: Beautiful Botanicals
D.T: Greenhouse Structures
Music: Violins and singing.
Computing: Computing Systems and Networks and Creating Media
P.E: Edstart.
Spanish: Numbers to 100 and every day greetings
In History, we have been building on our knowledge of invaders by looking closely at the Romans, where and how they invaded. We visited the Roman Museum and Bath Houses in Ribchester and had the opportunity to to dress as Roman soldiers. In class, we use photographic evidence and artefacts, considered the chronology of the time and what life was like, making comparisons to our lives today. We realised that the Roman's left a mark on our world as we know it, in particular on place names.
In the Autumn term, year 4 use 4-figure grid references to locate squares on a map. The children consider sources of renewable and non-renewable energy and the impact of wind turbines. Our local area has wind turbines near Burnley and Oswaldtwistle.
In art, we have looked at the genre of botanical art. We have created natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit and floral pieces. We have learnt about the skills of weft and warp. We collected natural materials from outside and created natural weaving pieces.
The children have been learning to count in Spanish and use simple greetings for friends and family.