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Themed Days/ Weeks

Themed days/weeks celebrated in school.

National Poetry Day's theme this year was "Refuge". We celebrated on Friday October 13th 2023. Robin, a volunteer from the Arc Refugee Centre in Blackburn town centre came to judge our performances. He was absolutely amazed by our children. You can see in a message he left on out website contact page.

Powerful message from our Gardeners and Seeds (Year 5 and Reception Class)

"Hello Yellow" Mental Health Day (October 10th, 2023)

Some of our Muslim children planned and delivered an assembly on Eid. It was truly fascinating (June 2023)

What are children said about the pupil led assembly...

I loved learning about Islam because lots of people on my street are Muslims and I understand why Eid is special to them now. Y2

I think it was brilliant that some Muslim children shared their religion with us as they are the experts in school. Y4.

I really enjoyed listening to the assembly leaders today because they talked openly about their own faith with such pride. I felt proud of them for doing it. Y6

Refugee Week (June 2023)