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Summer Term

This term children will be learning about:

Talk For Writing: The Time-Slip Scarab (portal story), Aliens (information text) and Nyangara The Fire Python (quest story).
Maths: Shape, Position and Direction, Decimals, Negative Numbers, Converting Units and Volume. 
R.E: Islam, Freedom and Responsibility (unit 8) and Stewardship (unit 9). 
Science: Animals, Including Humans and Investigative Skills.
History: The Elizabethans.
Geography: How are Mountains useful?
Art: Taotie.
D.T: Moving Mechansims/Local Buildings.
Music: Words, Meaning and Expression and Indentifying Important Musical Elements. 
Computing: Creating Media and Programming B.
P.E: Edstart and Dance.
Spanish: At the Tea Room, At the Café, At the Restaurant and My Home.
PSHE: Reaching Out and The World of Work. 

Click here for Summer Term Parent Grid. 


In our Science lesson we have been looking at puberty and how our bodies changed. We looked at true and false statements and then organised some key facts into a Venn diagram to show the changes for boys, girls and both. 

P.E - Cricket

Our P.E focus this half-term is cricket! We have been working hard to develop our batting and throwing skills. 

R.E - Transformation

In our RE topic this half term, we are looking at transformation. We began our unit of work by exploring the different forms of energy and how they transform to help our daily living.