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This term children will be learning about:

Talk For Writing: Fiction (Action), Non-Fiction (Recounts) / Fiction (Suspense) Journey
Maths: Fractions, decimals, time, area
R.E: New Life, Building Bridges, God's People
Science: Animals and humans / states of matter
History: Our locality, Blackburn and the cotton trade in Summer term 2.
Geography: Why rivers are important to us in Summer term 1.
Art: Landscapes.
D.T: Sowing
Music: Violins and singing.
Computing: Microbits - data logging
P.E: Edstart and dance.
Spanish: Animals and seasons.
PSHE: Self-Care and Identity



We are learning about why rivers are important to us and have started our learning by developing an understanding of the water cycle. We created a water cycle in a bag in our classroom and are observing changing inside. We will also be comparing the River Nile and the River Severn, the geographical sections of a river and why settlements are often formed close to rivers.




In art, we have used view-finders to help us focus on different parts of a landscape. Concentrating on details in the foreground, middle-ground and background, sketching what we can see before moving on to create more detailed pieces. We are learning about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.




In violins, we are preparing for our end of year concert. We have been improvising songs and learning the parts of the violin.