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Spring term

This term the children will be learning about: 

RE - unit 4 (Sources), unit 5 (Unity), unit 6 (Death and New Life) 

Talk for Writing - The Old Mill (Time Slip), The Break in (Short Narrative)

Maths - Ratio, Algebra, Decimals, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Area, Perimeter and Volume, Statistics 

Science - Evolution and Inheritance, Living Things and Their Habitats

PE - Hockey and Dodgeball (EdStart), British Gymnastics Coaching 

History - Polar Expeditions

Geography - Why does Population Change? 

Art - Inuit  

DT - Engineer 

Music - How Does Music Improve Our World? How Does Music Teach Us About Our Community? 

Computing - Creating Media - Web Page design, Data and Information - Spreadsheets

Spanish - The Weekend, Habitats 

PSHE - Created To love Others