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This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
Genesis 2:4

Science Ambassadors!

Our Science Ambassadors play an important role in our school! They work hard to plan and prepare engaging activities which are delivered during Science week, they participate in whole-school assemblies to showcase experiments and they support the delivery of workshops across all year groups! Our Science Ambassadors show great interest and have a good understanding of Science and what Science is!

Here are our Science Ambassadors. 



The intent of our curriculum is to nurture and develop our pupils’ interest in the subject, whilst also supporting them to fulfil their potential and develop a deep knowledge and understanding of the scientific skills. We want our pupils to discover their passion for Science through hands on experiences so they become equipped to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them and so that they develop a greater understanding of the concepts and knowledge of Science. Working with parents, we intend that our pupils leave St Antony’s with a general sense of enquiry, which encourages them to question and make suggestions throughout their life. We intend for our pupils to deepen their respect of the natural world through investigative science outdoors to enable them to develop a sense of awe of the world we live in. We aim to nourish an understanding of the working of God’s world and our responsibilities in looking after it, not just locally, but worldwide. We endeavour to prepare our pupils for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world and ready them for the next stage of their educational journey where they will feel passionate about making positive changes for the greater good.  


‘PLAN Planning for Assessment’ knowledge matrices are used to support staff with the planning and teaching of engaging and hands-on lessons. ‘TAPs’ plans are used to support staff in assessing children’s work and understanding against the National Curriculum skills and expectations.  

In Nursery and Reception, Science lessons are very hands on where children explore the natural world through practical activities.  

In KS1, children are provided with a deeper understanding of Science and scientific vocabulary is extended. Whole-class lessons are taught both inside and outside of the classroom where practical skills are developed. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their investigative skills where they are able to ask and answer questions.  In LKS2, children consolidate Scientific concepts they have previously learnt. They are introduced to fair testing and use questioning to plan fair tests. They are given opportunities to carry out experiments and record their results in a number of ways.  In UKS2, children apply their Scientific knowledge and understanding to all lessons and formulate and hypothesise from results gained. Children are given the opportunities to record data and results with increasing complexity and then utilise their results to plan further comparative and fair tests.  

Working scientifically skills are taught progressively across Years 1 to Years 6.  

Science lessons are taught weekly in every class. Working scientifically skills are at the heart of Science planning. Teaching staff ensure that working scientifically skills are being naturally developed throughout lessons to enable children to develop these skills as well as new vocabulary and challenging concepts. All Science lessons are planned using the National Curriculum skills and ‘PLAN Planning for Assessment’ knowledge matrices relevant to each year group. Planning involves teachers creating engaging lessons, often involving high-quality resources, to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge. Lessons are sequenced to ensure progression of skills throughout the year and across key stages.    Teachers use specific scientific questioning in class to formatively assess conceptual knowledge and skills and identify children who require extra support to plug any gaps in learning. Teachers find opportunities to develop children’s understanding and passion of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning and workshops throughout the year. 

At St Antony’s, we provide our pupils with opportunities to demonstrate mastery within Science in a variety of ways.  

Science ambassadors play an important role in the development of Science across the school. These children meet often to discuss Science lessons, Science in the outdoor area, Science experiments, Science days and opportunities to develop Science further.  They play an important role in delivering engaging workshops during ‘British Science Week’ and are trained and supported to carry out pupil questioning to identify strengths and areas for improvement within Science.  


Class teachers are responsible for the day-to-day assessment of Science. Assessment of Science is formative using the Target Tracker steps and statements. Termly data on  Science progress is analysed by the Science lead. Groups of children are monitored,  e.g. gender, SEN and PPG. TAPs plans are used by teachers to support them in making teacher judgements.  

Learning walks, lesson observation, pupil interviews and book scrutinies are carried out throughout the school year to review and evaluate Science and the progression of skills across the school.  

Staff are regularly given CPD regarding Science. ECT’s are supported by the Science lead where necessary and peer coaching provides a forum for discussion and development. SIG training and network meetings are consistent for the Science lead to develop and support all teaching staff across the school.  

Subject leaders prepare bids for the finance committee; these are linked to school priorities. Subject leaders are asked to present their work to governors. This may be done in the form of a presentation to a committee or a professional dialogue with a link governor. Action plans are shared with Governors. There is a formal written report to governors annually. Link governors may come into school to watch lessons and take part in events or workshops. They may talk to pupils and look at written evidence.