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Reading Progression

As they progress through the years, the curriculum adapts to meet the needs of the child. 

We learn the skills for fluency, develop our comprehension and read for pleasure. This is consolidated at school and at home with one to one practice and reading for pleasure. 

Each year group works towards meeting and exceeding the expected levels in reading as outlined in the National Curriculum. 

We believe in giving the children access to as many texts and genres as possible.

Every class has regular story or novel time, with a planned out 'Reading Spine' which complements their writing curriculum. This is led by the teacher with the aim of reading for pleasure. Subject Reading Spines aim to show real use of books in context, consolidate knowledge and grow vocabulary as well as ignite curiosity. 

In EYFS and KS1, our guided practice time in reading gives the children access to clear models of genres that they can decipher themselves. We use the complementary set to our 'Little Wandle' scheme. 


We use a programme of whole class reading to teach reading skills throughout school. Well chosen core fiction both traditional and modern alongside, high quality texts which link to our curriculum help embed new vocabulary and consolidate subject knowledge. The teaching sequence embraces high quality research based pedagogy which mirrors EEF guidance which we follow across the school.