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KARM Cards


Our KARM (know and Remember More) cards are bespoke to our curriculum and are glued into children’s work books at the start of a new unit of work.  They are an effective memory aid designed specifically for St. Antony's. They serve as a summary of the essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work, which we refer to as our "key facts". Our KARM cards also include key vocabulary, diagrams and a memory jogger to activate prior knowledge, aiding in the retention and recall of important information.

One of the key benefits of the KARM cards is that they provide links to previous and future learning opportunities, aligning with the spiral curriculum adopted here at St. Antony's. This approach ensures that students have a solid foundation of knowledge while also building upon it as they progress through different units of work.

By engaging with the key facts and vocabulary provided on the cards, our pupils can strengthen their understanding of the subject matter and make meaningful connections between different areas of learning.