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Daily Routine and Homework


Dojo- If you have any concerns please DOJO us to arrange a time to speak to us. Of course, we are happy for a quick chat at the door, but if you need longer, please let us make some time for that special chat.

Reading - The children will need to bring their reading books ever Friday to be changed. All children will read a practice reading book in class to a teacher every day. Library books can be taken and exchanged on Friday mornings. 

PEPE kits will be required on Wednesday as the children will be taking part in PE sessions with Ed Start. Children can come to school in their PE kits. Our school P.E kit consists of: black shorts/pants, black pumps and a t-shirt in their house colour.

Phonics-We use a scheme called Little Wandle which follows a systematic phonics programme. We will also deliver booster sessions to enhance your child's skills in phonics and reading fluency. Please see the parent links below.

Homework-This will be set every Friday, which will be related to our weekly learning to encourage skills at remembering and knowing more. Children returning homework by the following week will receive a certificate.