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Spring Term

This term children will be learning about:

Talk For Writing: The Red Eye (losing tale) and Should Children be More Responsible? (discussion text). 
Maths: Multiplication and Division B, Fractions B, Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area and Statistics. 
R.E: Mission (unit 4), Memorial Sacrifice (unit 5), Sacrifice (unit 6), Transformation (unit 7). 
Science: Properties of Materials and Living Things and Their Habitats. 
History: Victorians. 
Geography: Where does our food come from?
Art: Line, Light and Shadows. 
D.T: Eat the Seasons. 
Music: Exploring Key and Time Signatures and Introducing Chords. 
Computing: Programming A and Data and Information. 
P.E: Edstart, Gymnastics and Dance.
Spanish: Presenting Myself and My Family. 
PSHE: Life Online and Keeping Safe. 

Click here for Spring Term Parent Grid.

                                   LEARNING ZONE 2023-2024!

Dance with Bill


English - Hot Seating

In our Talk for Writing unit this half term we are looking at the losing tale Red Eye. We have read and rehearsed the story off by heart and have then created some questions to ask 'Sally' (the main character) about how she felt entering the school so late at night. 

Our topic this half-term in History is The Victorians! We started our topic by looking at a timeline and organising the historical events into chronological order.

History - Research

We worked in small groups to research information about different areas of Victorian life. We researched workhouses, schools, toys, work and homes during the Victorian times and then presented this information to the rest of the class. 

Our Science topic this half-term is Materials. We worked as a class to plan and prepare a fair test to investigate which material would be best suited to keep food fresh and cool. We predicted which material we thought would be the best prior to completing the test. 

Science - Dissolving

We worked in small groups to test whether we could change how quickly sugar dissolves. Some of us changed the number of stirs, some of us changed the temperature of the water and some of us changed the speed at which we stirred the liquid. 

Victorian Day

During our Victorian Day, we dressed up and sat in rows - just like they did in the Victorian times. We looked at Queen Victoria on the VR headsets and baked Victoria sponge cake! We learnt all about the Industrial Revolution and crimes and punishments. 


Practising our skills in dodgeball! 

D.T - Soup Making

Our focus in DT this half-term is Eat the Seasons. We have been researching seasonal vegetables and have worked in small groups to develop skills such as chopping, dicing, grating and peeling. We then cooked the vegetables before blending them to make a healthy seasonal soup! Most of us enjoyed trying the vegetables and the soup and some of us have even made soup at home too!! YUMMY! 

P.E - Hockey

R.E - Explore